Berlin – a city full of history, interesting people and life that has had to reinvent itself again and again
and today is one of the most sought-after metropolises in the world. Those who live and work here enjoy countless cultural and sporting leisure activities as well as recreational opportunities in the city.

We, the employees of Q2-BERLIN Immobilienvertriebs GmbH, have been following and accompanying Berlin’s transformation for a quarter of a century now. Here we are at home, here we know our way around. The unbroken upward trend on the real estate market is testimony to the city’s vitality and the development of long-hidden potential. This positive development applies to all Berlin locations, to which we dedicate ourselves with passion and success.

However, our experience also extends to the successful sale of investment properties in Potsdam, Dresden and the surrounding areas of Berlin.

Always in the interest of our clients

The sale of condominiums and residential and commercial buildings in Berlin is our work order. Due to our extensive experience and the very close cooperation with property developers, owners and other initiators, we know the needs of the provider side down to the last detail.

But we also know exactly what the market and our end customers demand.

Our strength and success lie in the synchronization of supply and demand in the interests of both parties.
Our experience also extends to the successful sale of investment properties in Potsdam, Dresden and the surrounding area of Berlin.


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Our office

Q2-Berlin Immobilienvertriebs GmbH
Lohmeyerstrasse 21
10587 Berlin

Phone: +49 (30) 81 452 81-81
Fax: +49 (30) 81 452 81-70

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    Sale of residential and commercial buildingsSale of condominiums

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